
1:1 Nutrition Consulting

Get a personalized plan, individualized recommendations, and regular check-ins to help you reach your health & wellness goals


I believe in bio-individuality and choosing the right mix of food and nutrients for each client. If you’re looking for something completely integrated and tailored to your specific health needs and concerns, 1:1 nutrition consulting is the best option for you. Learn what you can expect in a session or book a free consultation today.

1:1 nutrition consulting programs

8 session program

Choose from either a 2 month intensive program or a 4 month program

12 session program

Choose from either a 3 month intensive program or a 6 month* program

women’s health: preP to Postpartum

15 month program guiding you from prepping your body for pregnancy to 3 months postnatal

women’s health: prep to prenatal

12 month program guiding you from prepping your body for pregnancy to childbirth

women’s health: Prenatal to postpartum

Choose from either a 9 month or 12 month program guiding you from newly pregnant to 3 months postnatal

women’s health: prenatal

Choose from either a 6 month or 9 month program guiding you from newly pregnant to childbirth

All programs are held virtually at this time.

*Six month programs prove to be the most successful as they allow me to guide clients through the ups and downs of life, which may interfere with their health & wellness goals, as well as give the clients time to build sustainable habits and confidence in making healthy decisions.